Friday, December 10, 2010

How do you think social media will change in the future? What other trends would you add to the mix? Are they any specific technologies that you think will gain popularity or emerge?

Obviously, Social Media will still be here in the future and can only become more and more popular than it is today.  With technology prices dropping (like computers and phones) and becoming much more accessible to the public almost everyone is catching on to the many Social Medias out these days.  Going forward, Social Medias will expand and be a part in almost everyone’s lives.
Currently, technologies are coming out that are making it more accessible to use Social Medias by having it as a data add on to your phone and small computers.  I believe we'll see the Tablet PC's become more commonly used by the public, which, in turn, means extremely easy access to social media. Furthermore I could see Tablet PC’s replacing student’s laptops at school and at work in the future.